Northern District Logo
United States District Court
Northern District of Illinois
Honorable Virginia M. Kendall, Chief Judge | Thomas G. Bruton, Clerk of Court

Local Rules

LR 3.1 Designation Sheet
LR 3.2 Notification as to Affiliates
LR 3.3 Payment of Fees in Advance, In Forma Pauperis Matters, Sanctions
LR 3.4 Notice of Claims Involving Patents or Trademarks
LR 4 Service in In Forma Pauperis Cases
LR 5.1 Place of Filing, Division
LR 5.2 Electronic and Paper Documents Filed
LR 5.3 Motions: Review Judge’s Procedures and Notice of Motions and Objections
LR 5.5 Proof of Service
LR 5.6 Filing Documents by Non-parties
LR 5.7 Filing Cases Under Seal
LR 5.8 Filing Materials Under Seal
LR 5.9 Service by Electronic Means
LR 7.1 Briefs: Page Limit
LR 8.1 Social Security Cases: Notice of Social Security Number
LR 9.1 Three Judge Cases
LR 10.1 Responsive Pleadings
LR 16.1.1 Pretrial Procedures
LR 16.1 Standing Order Establishing Pretrial Procedure
LR 16.2 Pretrial Conferences and Status Hearings.
LR 16.3 Voluntary Mediation Program
LR 17.1 Actions By or On Behalf of Infants or Incompetents
LR 24.1 Notice of Claims of Unconstitutionality
LR 26.1 Scheduling Conference
LR 26.2 Sealed Documents
LR 26.3 Discovery Materials Offered in Evidence as Exhibit
LR 26.4 Testimony for Use in Foreign Tribunals
LR 27.1 Depositions: Fees for Attorneys Appointed to Represent Absent Party
LR 33.1 Interrogatories, Form of Answer, Objections
LR 37.1 Contempts
LR 37.2 Motion for Discovery and Production
LR 40.1 Assignment of Cases: General
LR 40.2 Assignment Procedures
LR 40.3 Direct Assignment of Cases
LR 40.3.1 Assignments Involving Bankruptcy
LR 40.4 Related Cases, Reassignment of Cases as Related
LR 40.5 Remands, Procedures for Following Appeals
LR 45.1 Attaching a Note to the Subpoena Permitted
LR 47.1 Juries
LR 53.1 Masters
LR 54.1 Taxation of Costs
LR 54.2 Jury Costs for Unused Panels
LR 54.3 Attorney's Fees and Related Non-taxable Expenses
LR 54.4 Judgment of Foreclosure
LR 56.1 Motions for Summary Judgment
LR 56.2 Notice to Unrepresented Litigants Opposing Summary Judgment
LR 58.1 Satisfaction of Judgment
LR 62.1 Supersedeas Bond
LR 65.1 Sureties on Bonds
LR 65.2 Approval of Bonds by the Clerk
LR 65.3 Security for Costs
LR 65.1.1 Notice of Motion to Enforce Liability of Supersedeas Bond
LR 66.1 Receivers; Administration of Estates
LR 67.1 Investment of Funds Deposited with Clerk
LR 69.1 Notice of Sale
LR 72.1 Designated Magistrate Judges: Referrals
LR 73.1 Magistrate Judges: Reassignment on Consent
LR 77.1 Places of Holding Court
LR 77.2 Emergencies; Emergency Judges
LR 77.3 Clerk to Sign Certain Orders
LR 78.1 Motions: Filing in Advance of Hearing
LR 78.3 Motions: Briefing Schedules, Oral Arguments, Failure to File Brief
LR 78.4 Motions: Copies of Evidentiary Matter to be Served
LR 78.5 Motions: Request for Decision; Request for Status Report
LR 79.1 Records of the Court
LR 79.2 Redemption from Judicial Sales
LR 81.1 Complaints Under the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. §1983, by Persons in Custody
LR 81.2 Removals, Remands of Removals
LR 81.3 Habeas Corpus Proceedings by Persons in Custody
LR 81.4 Habeas Corpus Proceedings in Deportation Cases
LR 83.1 Court Facilities: Limitations on Use
LR 83.2 Oath of Master, Commissioner, etc.
LR 83.3 Publication of Advertisements
LR 83.4 Transfers of Cases Under 28 U.S.C. §§1404, 1406, 1412
LR 83.5 Confidentiality of Alternative Dispute Resolution Proceedings
LR 83.10 General Bar
LR 83.11 Trial Bar
LR 83.12 Appearance of Attorneys Generally
LR 83.13 Representation by Supervised Senior Law Students
LR 83.14 Appearance by Attorneys Not Members of the Bar
LR 83.16 Appearance Forms
LR 83.17 Withdrawal, Addition, and Substitution of Counsel
LR 83.18 Transfer to Inactive Status
LR 83.25 Disciplinary Proceedings Generally
LR 83.26 Discipline of Attorneys Disciplined by Other Courts
LR 83.27 Discipline of Convicted Attorneys
LR 83.28 Discipline of Attorneys for Misconduct
LR 83.29 Discipline: Assignment of Investigation Counsel
LR 83.30 Reinstatement
LR 83.31 Duties of the Clerk
LR 83.35 Pro Bono Program
LR 83.36 Assignment Procedures
LR 83.37 Duties & Responsibilities of Assigned Counsel
LR 83.38 Relief from Assignment
LR 83.39 Discharge of Assigned Counsel on Request of Party
LR 83.40 Expenses
LR 83.41 Attorney's Fees
LR 48.1 Contact with Jurors
LR 83.50 Rules of Professional Conduct
LR 83.58.5 Jurisdiction
LR 80 International Arbitration Cases

Local Patent Rules

Local Patent Rules
LPR Appendix A
LPR Appendix B
General Order 09-0022
LPR 1.1 Application and Construction
LPR 1.2 Initial Scheduling Conference
LPR 1.3 Fact Discovery
LPR 1.4 Confidentiality
LPR 1.5 Certification of Disclosures
LPR 1.6 Admissibility of Disclosures
LPR 1.7 Relationship to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
LPR 2.1 Initial Disclosures
LPR 2.2 Initial Infringement Contentions
LPR 2.3 Initial Non-Infringement, Unenforceability and Invalidity Contentions
LPR 2.4 Document Production Accompanying Initial Non-infringement and Invalidity Contentions
LPR 2.5 Initial Response to Non-Infringement and Invalidity Contentions
LPR 2.6 Disclosure Requirement in Patent Cases Initiated by Complaint for Declaratory Judgment
LPR 3.1 Final Infringement, Unenforceability and Invalidity Contentions
LPR 3.2 Final Non-infringement, Enforceability and Validity Contentions
LPR 3.3 Document Production Accompanying Final Invalidity Contentions
LPR 3.4. Amendment of Final Contentions
LPR 3.5 Relationship to USPTO Proceedings and Prior Litigation
LPR 3.6 Discovery Concerning Opinions of Counsel
LPR 4.1 Exchange of Proposed Claim Terms To Be Construed Along With Proposed Constructions
LPR 4.2 Claim Construction Briefs
LPR 4.3 Claim Construction Hearing
LPR 5.1 Disclosure of Experts and Expert Reports
LPR 5.2 Depositions of Experts
LPR 5.3 Presumption Against Supplementation of Reports
LPR 6.1 Final Day for Filing Dispositive Motions
Local Patent Rules for Electronically Stored Information
LPR 2.0 Patent Initial Disclosures

Pilot Project Regarding Initial Discovery Protocols for Employment Cases Alleging Adverse Action

Pilot Project Regarding Initial Discovery Protocols for Employment Cases Alleging Adverse Action