Pro Hac Vice application are to be filed and associated fees are to be paid electronically
Pursuant to Local Rule 83.14, an attorney who is not a member of the General Bar
of the Northern District of Illinois may appear in a case only upon being granted
leave to appear pro hac vice. A petition for admission under Rule 83.14 is made
on a form approved by the Executive Committee. Such admission also requires the
payment of a fee established by the Court.
If you're planning on appearing Pro Hac Vice in a case in the Northern District of
Illinois, begin the process by answering the question below:
Filing Instructions For Registered Northern District of Illinois E-Filers
Use the following steps to complete the Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice process:
- Complete the fillable
Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac
- Login into the Court's ECF system at
- Select "Civil" from the blue menu bar
- Select "Motions" under the Motions and Related Filings heading
- Enter the Case Number that you are to appear Pro Hac Vice
- Select the event "Appear Pro Hac Vice"
- Attach your "Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice"
in PDF format
- Pay the filing fee through the screen within the "Appear Pro Hac Vice" event