Daily Calendar
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (As of 05/28/24 at 03:42:14 PM )
Please click on a last name to view daily calls for that judge:  Alonso | Appenteng | Coleman | Ellis | Gilbert | Kendall | Kennelly | Kness | Pacold | Pallmeyer | Tharp | Valderrama | Wood

Honorable Jorge L. Alonso                   Courtroom 1903 (JLA)          

For the latest motion rulings please refer to
the Call Sheet posted on the web page of Judge Alonso.

1:23-cv-13946   Great American E&S Insurance Company   09:30   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-02911   Hexin Holding Limited v. The Partner   09:30   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-02911   Hexin Holding Limited v. The Partner   09:30   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-03780   Mercis B.V. v. The Individuals, Corp   09:30   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-03780   Mercis B.V. v. The Individuals, Corp   09:30   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-04123   BP LLC v. Partnerships and Unincorpo   09:30   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-04260   LP A/S v. The Partnerships and Uninc   09:30   Notice of Motion            
1:22-cr-00674   USA v. Glinn                           11:00   Preliminary Revocation Heari
1:22-cr-00206   USA v. Lacy                            02:00   Notice of Motion            
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Honorable Jeannice W. Appenteng             Courtroom 1350 (JWA)          

1:19-cv-07772   Su v. Su                               09:00   Status Hearing              
1:22-cv-06115   Powell v. Digby's Detective and Secu   09:00   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-03300   Buggle v. O'Malley                     09:00   Status Hearing              
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Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman            Courtroom 1241 (SJC)          

1:24-cv-02375   AJ's Nifty Products v. The Individua   10:00   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-02375   AJ's Nifty Products v. The Individua   10:00   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-04002   Lei v. The Partnerships and Unincorp   10:00   Notice of Motion            
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Honorable Sara L. Ellis                     Courtroom 1403 (SLE)          

For the latest motion rulings please refer to
the Call Sheet posted on the web page of Judge Ellis.

1:23-cv-03616   Music v. Han                           09:30   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-01665   TGL, LTD. v. The Partnerships and Un   09:30   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-02320   Mercis, B.V. v. The Individuals, Cor   09:30   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-02320   Mercis, B.V. v. The Individuals, Cor   09:30   Telephone Conference        
1:16-cv-10156   Livingston v. City of Chicago          09:45   Motion Hearing              
1:19-cv-08135   Griffin v. City of Chicago             09:45   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-04865   Levitation Arts, Inc. v. BKST Brand    09:45   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-01113   M&T Capital and Leasing Corporation    09:45   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-01113   M&T Capital and Leasing Corporation    09:45   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-01792   Andrey Prokhorov v. The Partnerships   09:45   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-01792   Andrey Prokhorov v. The Partnerships   09:45   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-03139   Roadget Business Pte. Ltd. v. The In   09:45   Notice of Motion            
1:02-cr-00087   USA v. Williams                        10:00   Telephone Conference        
1:17-cr-00138   USA v. Johnson                         10:15   Revocation Superv Rls-FinalH
1:21-cr-00584   USA v. Mora-Martinez                   10:30   Sentencing                  
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Honorable Jeffrey T. Gilbert                Courtroom 1386 (JTG)          

1:19-cv-02694   Dean v. National Production Workers    10:00   Status Hearing              
1:22-cv-00311   Iowa American Insurance Company v. T   10:00   Telephone Conference        
1:10-cv-08321   Southport Bank v. Miles                10:15   Telephone Conference        
1:22-cv-05046   American General Life Insurance Comp   01:30   Settlement Conference       
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Honorable Virginia M. Kendall               Courtroom 2503 (VMK)          

For the latest motion rulings please refer to
the Call Sheet posted on the web page of Judge Kendall.

1:24-cv-01807   XYZ Corporation v. The Individuals,    09:00   Status Hearing              
1:24-cv-02071   Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. v.   09:00   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-02356   YSN Imports LLC dba Flame King v. TH   09:00   Notice of Motion            
1:24-cv-03725   Lin v. Chojnacki                       09:00   Notice of Motion            
1:18-cr-00769   USA v. Moorison                        09:30   Preliminary Revocation Heari
1:23-cr-00083   USA v. Buckham                         09:30   Status Hearing              
1:23-cr-00083   USA v. Martinez                        09:30   Status Hearing              
1:23-cr-00577   USA v. Mc Neal                         09:30   Status Hearing              
1:24-cr-00045   USA v. Villagran                       09:30   Status Hearing              
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Honorable Matthew F. Kennelly               Courtroom 2103 (MFK)          

For the latest motion rulings please refer to
the Call Sheet posted on the web page of Judge Kennelly.

1:24-cv-00028   Duffie v. Bakowski                     08:45   Status Hearing              
1:23-cv-00218   Hudgins v. The David Lynch Foundatio   08:55   Telephone Conference        
1:21-cv-06835   Medina v. DB C Carpentry Inc.          09:20   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-15349   Rodriguez v. Tipton                    09:20   Motion Hearing              
1:23-cv-15349   Rodriguez v. Tipton                    09:20   Telephone Conference        
1:17-cv-01919   Miranda v. Varga                       09:30   Telephone Conference        
1:22-cv-02079   Hoffower v. Seamless Contacts Inc.     09:30   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-03810   Lynch v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.        09:40   Telephone Conference        
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Honorable John F. Kness                     Courtroom 2125 (JFK)          

1:22-cv-05350   Juarez v. Rozco Landscaping Co.        09:30   Motion Hearing              
1:23-cv-00665   Waligursky v. CNH Industrial America   09:30   Motion Hearing              
1:23-cv-06637   Thomas v. Amazon.com, Inc.             09:30   Status Hearing              
1:21-cr-00556   USA v. Hernandez                       10:30   Sentencing                  
1:23-cr-00211   USA v. Foster                          10:30   Status Hearing              
1:23-cr-00175   USA v. Hakeem                          01:30   Status Hearing              
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Honorable Martha M. Pacold                  Courtroom 2325 (MMP)          

1:17-cv-01973   Motorola Solutions, Inc. v. Hytera C   01:30   Status Hearing              
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Honorable Rebecca R. Pallmeyer              Courtroom 2541 (RRP)          

1:22-cv-04151   TowerNorth Development, LLC. v. City   10:00   In Court Hearing            
1:24-cv-01959   My Fav Electronics, Inc. v. Currie     03:30   Telephone Conference        
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Honorable John J. Tharp                     Courtroom 2303 (JJT)          

1:23-cr-00220   USA v. Lopez                           09:00   Jury Trial                  
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Honorable Franklin U. Valderrama            Courtroom 1941 (FUV)          

1:18-cv-06829   Horton v. City Of Rockford             09:30   Telephone Conference        
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Honorable Andrea R. Wood                    Courtroom 2141 (ARW)          

1:22-cv-06015   Pierre-Michel Seri v. Tucker           09:00   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-05274   Williams v. United States Department   09:00   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-02309   FCA US LLC v. The Partnerships and U   09:15   Telephone Conference        
1:24-cv-00329   York v. National Louis University      09:30   Show Cause Hearing          
1:24-cv-00722   No Sugar Momma, LLC v. No Sugar Momm   09:45   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-04376   Arevalo v. Middleby-by-Marshall-Corp   10:30   Telephone Conference        
1:23-cv-16401   Markoff v. Athena Cosmetics, Inc.      10:30   Telephone Conference        
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